Making it Real: Going Beyond Including Traditional Knowledge in Watershed Management, Towards Shared Leadership in Watershed Governance

Date: January 29th, 2014

Where: Quw’utsun’ Cultural and Conference Centre

This panel presentation and interactive workshop moved towards a vision of shared leadership in watershed governance. It featured speakers Cheri Ayers, Eli Enns, Brian Huntington, Tim Kulchyski, Luschiim (Arvid Charlie), Joan Morris, Carrie Terbasket, and Nancy Turner. During the workshop, participants were invited to explore what working together on watersheds looks like based on First Nations’ cultural knowledge, values, and protocols. The session was organized and chaired by POLIS Co-Director Kelly Bannister as part of the three-day forum Watersheds 2014: Towards Watershed Governance in British Columbia and Beyond.

Event Resources

Watersheds 2014: Edited Proceedings (workshop summary on p. 22-25)