Why Ecological Governance Now More Than Ever?

Date: March 5th, 2012

Where: University of Victoria, Sedgewick Building

Why does “ecological governance” matter now more than ever? This question was the focus of the University of Victoria’s first Roundtable on Ecological Governance held as part of Ideafest on March 5, 2012.

Tsartlip elder and educator Dr. Marie Cooper opened the session and Eco-Research Chair Dr. Michael M’Gonigle gave the keynote address. A roundtable of responses followed from faculty, graduate students and community members offering a diversity of perspectives that spanned political science, geography, environmental studies, public policy, Indigenous rights and responsibilities, racialization and marginalized communities, gender and women’s issues, Indigenous child welfare, and ecosystem-based management of natural resources.

Cross-cutting themes drew attention to the need for explicit involvement of gender, youth, Indigenous, and marginalized community perspectives as part of the pathway to reconnecting humans to place and re-imagining our governance systems as situated within ecological systems and relationships.


Kelly Bannister (Event Moderator), Susan Bazilli, Oliver M. Brandes, Earl Claxton Jr., Philip Cook, Marie Cooper, Rod Dobell, Nicole Bates-Eamer, Jacquie Green, Jutta Gutberlet, Jo-Anne Lee, Warren Magnusson, Michael M’Gonigle, Michele-Lee Moore, Louise Takeda, Steven Tyler, J.B. Williams, and Chris Yeomans


Transcript of Dr. Michael M’Gonigle’s keynote presentation “Why Ecological Governance Now More Than Ever?”

Dr. M’Gonigle’s Social Justice Studies 2011 Keynote “Exit Environmentalism: Reflections on the past and future of a (failing) social movement”