Copyrighting the Past? Emerging Intellectual Property Rights and Issues in Archaeology

Current Anthropology

Published On: June 1st, 2004

Author: George P. Nicholas & Kelly Bannister

Full Citation: Nicholas, G., and Bannister, K. 2007. Copyrighting the Past? Emerging Intellectual Property Rights in Archaeology. In R. Muckle (ed.) Reading Archaeology: An Introduction. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 89-120.

The paper examines intellectual-property rights-related issues in archaeology, including the relevance of such rights within the discipline, the forms these rights take, and the impacts of applying intellectual property protection in archeology. It explores archaeological research in a contemporary sociocultural context, examines ownership issues, assesses legislation, and discusses the potential of current intellectual property protection mechanisms to augment cultural heritage protection for Indigenous communities.

Copyrighting the Past? Emerging Intellectual Property Rights and Issues in Archaeology